Nothing takes the place of persistence

“Nothing in the world can take the place of persistence.Talent will not; 
nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not; the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent. The slogan ‘Press On’ has solved and always will solve the 
problems of the human race.” - Calvin Coolidge. One of the biggest challenges facing people is the ability to keep on going even when the going gets tough. Many a child that came into the world with an enthusiastic shout, later died with a feeble whimper because they just 
didn’t have the persistence to continue until success prevailed. Ralph 
Marston confirms that long term, consistent success in any endeavor 
requires persistence. “With enough persistence, anything is possible. It is 
a quality that counts more than skill or knowledge or intelligence or the 
right connections. The ability to persist is the ability to win.” One of the first action to creating persistence is to find a compelling reason NOT to give up. You have to be passionate about your purpose, and very clear about the reasons for establishing your goals in life. Do you want to achieve financial or spiritual freedom for your family? Or Do you 
want to make a difference in your country like Nelson Mandela? For me, the knowledge that there are millions of people in interminable distress 
motivates me to keep pursuing my goal of advancing the Good news of the gospel of my Lord Jesus Christ. It’s easy to keep going when you feel great and everything is happening according to plan. The truly persistent don't let personal feelings stop them from accomplishing their goals. As Nike says, “Just Do It"! Persistence can be difficult when there seems to be nothing but obstacles in your path. According to Marston, obstacles are not there to stop you, but to challenge you. “Obstacles are what make achievement worthwhile, if there were no obstacles, then achievement would be meaningless and without value.” Challenges can also develop your character and teach you valuable life 
In most endeavor, disappointments will come which can make you doubt 
yourself and think of giving up. Fight the despairing thoughts by taking 
action – take an honest and objective look at the problems you’re facing. 
Seek the counsel of God. He can help you to change your approach and adjust your strategy to get to your result. as Marston says, “You can only win the race if you run it through to the end.”