“The key to keeping your faith strong while waiting for a miracle —thanksgiving”  Larry Sparks
In John 6:11 the Bible says “Jesus then took the loaves, and having given thanks, he distributed to those who were seated; likewise also of the fish as much as they wanted” notice here that when he gave thanks the hand of God was revealed. After He blessed the food they had received of the young lad, he gave it to the disciples and they gave to the crowd. Notice also that the Lord did not create a vast amount of food to feed the over 5000 persons from the five small barley loaves and two small fishes all at once but the miracle happened continually, it is to be assumed that as the disciples broke off bread and passed it on to the people, that the miracle kept happening in their hands i.e. the bread continued to be present.

I believe  this is a great model to walking in the supernatural power of God and receiving miracles, to celebrate a seed like it actually was the harvest. We need to start seeing all signs of breakthrough with a prophetic eye and learn how to thank God for the small cloud in the same way we would thank Him for the abundance of rain.

 Most times we reserve thanksgiving for when the miracle comes to full fruition, we wait for the spectacular or for the total healing, we wait until everything come into perfect alignment and we get exactly what we have been believing God for, this is not the essence of faith. Faith is not required when we receive everything we have been praying for; it is essential when we are living in the gap between our present situation and what we are believing for. so how do we maintain faith to keep us going while we are waiting for our miracle? the key to sustaining faith is giving thanks for all signs of progress.