The high cost is cheap

Up is down. Down is up. The high cost is cheap. The cheap cost is high. For whosoever will save his life - That is, shall wish to save his life - at the expense of his conscience, and casting aside the cross, he shall lose it - the very evil he wishes to avoid shall overtake him; and he shall lose his soul into the bargain. See then how necessary it is to renounce one's self! But whatsoever a man loses in this world, for his steady attachment to Christ and his cause, he shall have amply made up to him in the eternal world. This is the “Redemptional Wisdom" -a wisdom that calls us to surrender our lives to the will of God, live for him, and serve others. It is in giving up our lives for something and someone greater that we truly find life. There are so many things we can invest our lives in that ultimately become our masters. The harder we work to attain them, the more we find we have lost that vital essence of living that is God's gift to us. The radical example and call of Jesus is to follow him in laying down our lives to honor God and redeem others -- there
are no short-cuts. The cross casts its shadow over all of us.