The Snail Made it.

It's inconsequential how long it took the snail, but it made it into the ark before the flood. likewise It's pointless rushing when you are on the wrong track, you will only get to your doom on time. Jesus ask a profound question in Luke 18:8 “... when the Son of Man comes, will He find faith on the earth? The demonstration of that faith is persistent prayer. When you stop believing a prayer will be answered, you stop praying. You have given up hope. You loss faith. Charles H. Spurgeon said “If any of you should ask me for an epitome of the Christian religion, I should say that it is in one word- Prayer. Live and die without prayer, and you will pray long enough when you get to hell.” Perseverance is a great element for success in our walk with God. If you only knock long enough and loud enough at the gate, you are sure to wake up somebody.